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Throughout the planning process there will be several opportunities for community members to provide input and direction for the Atrisco Acequia Madre Plan. Stay up-to-date and share your thoughts using the tools below:

Previous Meetings

Community Design Workshop - January 26


Neighbors and interested stakeholders were invited to a community design workshop that was held the evening of January 26 at the South Valley Senior Multipurpose Center. Nearly 20 participants shared their vision for what this project site could be for the community and worked together to provide a design direction for what should be included in order to achieve that vision. 

The planning team will use these insights to direct the creation of conceptual design scenarios. These optional scenarios will be presented back to the community in the spring to determine a preferred design for the Atrisco Acequia Madre site. 

Presentation slides, a project introduction video and small group designs can be found below:

Introduction Video

Small Group Designs


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